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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:48    点击次数:197
【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』从金玥湾交付时收获的超高赞誉,到观唐府火爆热销到近乎售罄。短短1km范围内,两个楼盘真实可见的品质力,才是当下市场,对客户最强有力的品质承诺和定心丸!这也是建发房产对金山购房者最大的诚意。即将入市的建发·朗玥,它的起点正是由【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!金玥湾+观唐府的真实品质力与高口碑,共同筑就的,起点之高,在金山极难被企及!眼见为实的产品力+国企建发房产实力+城芯高密度配套建发·朗玥,具备了网红盘的所有属性,这一次又将赋予金山新的品质期待!过会价30864元/㎡!万达旁,金山新城醇熟繁华地金山人居高品质红盘——建发·朗玥样板房现已全面公开认购时间:4月18日-4月22日社保系数0.1【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!金山新城的产品力卷王辖区内坐拥了枫泾等古镇的金山,血脉里一直深埋着对东方古韵的期盼。以匠造新中式高品质住宅的建发房产,恰恰懂得金山所需!2020年,建发在金山落子的首件新中式作品【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!——金玥湾的问世,彻底觉醒了金山对于新中式建筑的渴望。上海金玥湾实景图随着金玥湾的交付,全金山初识王府中式大【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!宅的颜值天花板,同时更兼具了优质的产品兑现力。有实力的颜值派,让建发在金山收获了大量客户“粉”!而建发的产品自卷之路并未停止!伴随金山第二子——观唐府的问世,盛世唐风的华贵气度,再度让金山品质人居卷出了新的高度!2022年两次开盘,均火爆全城。【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!建发观唐府实景图厦门建发国际大厦实景图作为其母公司的建发集团,更位列2023年《财富》世界500强第69位。而建发房产也继承了实力基因,成立近40余年【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!,在全国范围内,建发所开发的项目达到200余个,足迹遍布70余城,成为100万业主信赖品牌,连续12年列居“中国房地产企业50强”。秉承着不懈的执着匠心,建发房产一直不断“自卷”产品力!这样的优秀品质,也被很好的延续到了金山第三子——建发·朗玥。随着品牌在金山的不断深耕精作,即将入市的建发·朗玥,也将集前两者的品质大成,以更懂金山人居需求出发,打造具备诗意东方的高品质佳作!据小编在售楼处一线了解到,【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!建发·朗玥将从建筑、园林以及装标,全方位升级,妥妥的品质Plus版!【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!02城芯九宫格,聚焦金山顶配资源对于任何一座新城来说,真正能在当地人心目中,站稳脚跟的“正牌”核心区域,永远只有一个!对于金山新城,也是如此。建发从择地开始,考量到真正的品质人居,不仅是产品力的卓越,也要兼具优秀的土地区位,才能让产品从外到里,【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!具备坚实的价值,成为可以穿越周期的优秀资产!而建发在金山落子的三个项目,均在新城内,高认可度的城芯板块。建发·朗玥的地段价值迅速拉满!随着近年来,金山新城核心区域的不断完善,目前新城的整个黄金区域,在街道和河道的划分下,自然的出现了九宫格形态,围绕九宫格又形成了被金山人民所高度认可的成熟生活圈。生活圈内,囊括了金山新城密度丰富的资源配套。生活配套方面,万达广场,百联商圈,复旦大学附属金山医院,金山新城公园,金山图书馆等尽在内部,步行可达,生活宜居程度可谓相当之高!在交通出行方面,杭州湾大道,漕卫公路,金山大道等,临近金山铁路,快速可达上海南站。无论连接区域内外,甚至上海市区,【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!发·朗玥所在的这片醇熟繁华区域,地理位置都极佳。而这样丰富的生活配套,正是未来建发·朗玥的日常。近年来,金山在占据上海西南门户的同时,也凭借“上海湾区”的形象,从整个上海乃至长三角的占位正在逐步崛起!金山的未来,值得我们期待!而作为金山区政府以及各类政务所聚集的区【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!,城芯九宫格也将以“金山心脏”的地位,更加凸显出板块的价值优势。过会价30864元/㎡!万达旁,金山新城醇熟繁华地金山人居高品质红盘——建发·朗玥样板房现已全面公开【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!城芯之上,匠造诗意东方美宅对新中式的不懈追求建发根据不同历史时代下的建筑风格,形成了独特的产品系,如“盛世唐风”、“风雅宋韵”、“诗意东方”等等,【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!并对不同的产品系保持不断的品质优化升级。即将问世建发·朗玥打造的“诗意东方”,以项目的洋房与高层业态为基底,用更轻盈的建筑语言进行雕琢。据悉,建发·朗玥的高层面积在建面约97㎡—143㎡,【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!洋房建面约132㎡—203㎡,以满足不同客户的人居追求。立面用极细的线条勾勒,打造更高的窗墙比,让建筑在新中式与现代审美中,实现优雅融合。【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!丰盛的高品质装标据了解,建发·朗玥对装标又进行了全新的升级,更加优化了人居空间。整体上,小区外部门窗均配置三玻两腔玻璃,给业主营造静谧生活体验。无论洋房还是高层,装标均配置有新风、【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!地暖、中央空调三件套,采用全屋智能系统与智能马桶,大大提升居住品质。此外,整体装标上,客厅以精细工艺铺就了大尺寸的地砖,主卫及客厅的墙体,更配置岩板背景,卧室均设有飘窗,扩容舒适感,品质力拉满。尤其在洋房方面,实现类1梯1户,独立入户的尊崇归家仪式感。内部采用全屋墙布,高档品质兼具温馨美感。在洋房149㎡及以【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!上户型的主卫中,均配置了双台盆,增加了主人日常起居的舒适性外,更凸显人居空间的奢华感。精工造物的江南园境为了更好的与金山本地风土匹配,同时得益于约1.8的低容积率,建发·朗玥在园林设计方面,从枫泾古镇汲取水乡灵感,打造三进礼序归家,五园九景诗画美学。三进礼序:一进:东方来仪,二进:芙蓉碧池,三进:石庭树院。以古建筑元素,如“儒门”、“华纹”等,搭配多样化的绿植,叠水趣石等景观小品,呈现出移步易景的游园式感官体验。丰富水系:景观园林方面,楼盘内部由天然河道自然流入,将地块分为南北两个区域,更搭配精致的人造水系,呈现出丰富的水景,营造出滨水式的舒适宜居体验。五园九景:五大主题园林涵盖了藏林童趣、自然颐养、临水画境、林下雅集以及邻里会所。在宛如自然的秘境中,配置了可以涵盖老中青幼等业主的闲暇需求。阳光与风景涌入的户型在客户最关心户型上,建发·朗玥也拿出了最大的诚意。绝大部分户型采用了经典的飞机户型、阔景飘窗、南向大景观横厅、主卧套房等,大大提升了内部空间的高宜居性!此外,高层的1梯2户,也为业主营造更从容舒适的外部居住氛围。除了保证空间内部的新鲜空气流通,转角飘窗也吸纳更多的采光,搭配外部的园林景观设计,大大提升了居住的舒适性。【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!厨房均设有舒适尺度的窗,从细节处提升居家品质。高层户型赏析格局方正,全明飞机户型,阳光清风与共。三开间朝南 ,扩容更多风景与采光。主卧采用套房设计,实现家中家的独立空间。餐客厅一体,让公区空间视野更开阔。全屋卧室飘窗设计,空间更具层次。97㎡户型样板房赏析(建筑面积约97平米展示样板间【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!非交付标准 仅供参考 交付标准以合同约定为准)呈现更为疏阔的三房空间,生活更多自由灵动。经典的飞机户型,南向三开间,涌入更多阳光。全亮空间,通风充沛,保持健康的空间感受。宽景横厅,南向大开间,自由尺度,奢意尊崇。多飘窗设计,让每个房间都拥有一片独立收藏风景的窗。108㎡户型样板房赏析(建筑面积约108平米展示样板间 非交【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!付标准 仅供参考 交付标准以合同约定为准)三开间朝南,揽入更多清风阳光入怀,让生活更诗意。超宽横厅,奢美视野,阔景人生气度。宽幕阳台,让窗外的自然风景如画一般,镶嵌于窗前。主卧套房,留给主人更独立的私密空间。北侧书房区域,预留灵动空间,给生活更多可能色彩。128㎡户型样板房赏析(建筑面积约128平米展示样板间 非交付标【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!准 仅供参考 交付标准以合同约定为准)洋房户型赏析【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!四开间朝南,南向超宽尺度,让空间底色被窗外景色点缀。餐客厅一体,阔景式公共生活区,留驻更多欢声笑语。主卧套房, 双台盆独立卫浴,预留衣帽间,在舒适自由中尽享尊荣。宽景阳台,窗外园林景色尽收眼底,在四季流转间品读美好。149㎡样板房赏析(建筑面积约149平米展示样板【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!间 非交付标准 仅供参考 交付标准以合同约定为准)建发物业,国家一级资质高水准据悉,建发·朗玥将配置高口碑的建发物业,而物业费也将与金玥湾,观唐府保持一致。建发物业作为国家一级【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!资质物业管理企业,已经连续多年位列中国物业服务百强企业榜单50强(2023年位列中国物业服务百强第25位),并已登陆港股(股票代码:HK02156)。业务服务覆盖超70个城市,始终坚持以客户满意为最终检验标准,为百万业主提供优质的社区服务。【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!随着7090政策的终结,不少人都在期待未来能有更优质的产品。而建发·朗玥提前将未来的优秀品质【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" from the high praise of the delivery of Jinyue Bay, to the Guan Tang Mansion hot sale to almost sold out. Within a short range of 1km, the real visible quality force of the two buildings is the most powerful quality commitment and reassurance for customers in the current market!This is also the largest sincerity of C&D real estate to Jinshan buyers.About to enter the market, Jianfa Langyue, its starting point is from the 【 Jinshan Jianfa Langyue 】 official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Jinyue Bay + Guantang Mansion real quality force and high reputation, jointly built, the starting point is high, in Jinshan is extremely difficult to be reached!Seeing is believing product strength + state-owned property construction and development strength + high-density city core supportingJianfa Langyue, with all the attributes of the network red disk, this time will give Jinshan new quality expectations!Meeting price 30864 yuan /㎡!Next to Wanda, Jinshan New City mellow prosperous placeJinshan Habitat high-quality Red plate -- Jianfa Lang YueThe model house is now fully openSubscription period: April 18 - April 22Social Security coefficient 0.1 [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!Jinshan New City products roll KingThe Jinshan of Fengjing and other ancient towns in the jurisdiction has been deeply buried in the blood of the Oriental ancient rhyme.The construction and development of new Chinese high-quality residential property with craftsmen knows exactly what Jinshan needs!In 2020, C&D's first new Chinese work in Kingsoft 【 Kingsoft Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! -- The advent of Jinyue Bay has completely awakened Jinshan's desire for new Chinese architecture.Shanghai Jinyue Bay real pictureWith the delivery of Jinyue Bay, Jinshan first know Wang Fu Chinese [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The appearance of the house is horizontal ceiling, and at the same time, it has the ability to deliver high-quality products.The strength of the appearance level pie, so that C&D in Jinshan harvest a large number of customers "powder"!And C&D's product self-rolling road has not stopped!With the advent of Jinshan's second son, the Tang Palace, the luxury of Tang style, once again made Jinshan quality human settlements roll out to a new height! Two opens in 2022, both hot in the city. 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!Jianfa view Tang Mansion real pictureReal view of Xiamen C&D International BuildingAs its parent company, C&D Group is ranked 69th in the Fortune Global 500 in 2023. And Jianfa real estate has also inherited the strength gene, established nearly 40 years [Jinshan Jianfa Longyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Across the country, C&D has developed more than 200 projects, covering more than 70 cities, and has become a trusted brand for 1 million owners, ranking among the "Top 50 real estate enterprises in China" for 12 consecutive years.Adhering to the unremitting dedication and ingenuity, Jianfa real estate has been constantly "self-roll" product force!Such excellent quality has also been well continued to the third son of Jinshan - Jianfa Langyue.With the continuous development of the brand in Jinshan, Jianfa Longyue, which is about to enter the market, will also set the quality of the previous two, and start with a better understanding of the needs of Jinshan human settlements, to create high-quality masterpieces with poetic Oriental!According to Xiaobian learned in the sales office line, [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Jianfa Langyue will be from the construction, garden and installation label, all-round upgrade, no problem quality Plus version! 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!02City core Jiugong grid, focus on Jinshan top allocation resourcesFor any new city, there is always only one "authentic" core area that can really gain a foothold in the minds of locals!The same is true for Jinshan New City.C&d starts from the choice of place, taking into account the real quality of human settlements, not only the excellence of product power, but also excellent land location, in order to make products from outside to inside, 【 Jinshan Jianfa Langhe 】 official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! With solid value, become an excellent asset that can travel through the cycle!The three projects of C&D in Jinshan are all in the new city, the core plate of high recognition. Jianfa Langyue's lot value quickly filled!In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the core area of Jinshan New City, the whole golden area of the new city, under the division of streets and rivers, naturally appears the form of Jiugong grid, and around the Jiugong grid has formed a mature life circle highly recognized by the people of Jinshan.Within the living circle, it includes the rich resources of Jinshan New City.In terms of living facilities, Wanda Plaza, Bailian business District, Jinshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Jinshan New City Park, Jinshan Library, etc. are all within walking distance, and the degree of livable life is quite high!In terms of transportation, Hangzhou Bay Avenue, Caowei Highway, Jinshan Avenue, etc. are close to Jinshan Railway and can reach Shanghai South Railway Station quickly. Regardless of the connection between the region and the outside, even the downtown of Shanghai, 【 Jinshan Jianfa Langyue 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Fa Lang Yue is located in this mellow bustling area, the geographical location is excellent.And such a rich life support is the daily life of Jianfa Lang Yue in the future.In recent years, while occupying the southwest gateway of Shanghai, Kingsoft is gradually rising from the whole of Shanghai and even the Yangtze River Delta with the image of "Shanghai Bay Area"! Jinshan's future is worth looking forward to!As the Jinshan District government and all kinds of government gathered district [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The city core Jiugong grid will also be in the position of "Jinshan heart", more highlighting the value advantage of the plate.Meeting price 30864 yuan /㎡!Next to Wanda, Jinshan New City mellow prosperous placeJinshan Habitat high-quality Red plate -- Jianfa Lang YueModel houses are now fully open 【 Jinshan Jianfa Langyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!On the core of the city, the craftsmen create poetic Oriental beautiful houseThe relentless pursuit of new Chinese styleAccording to the architectural style of different historical times, C&D has formed a unique product system, such as "prosperous Tang style", "elegant Song rhyme", "poetic Oriental", etc., 【 Jinshan C&D Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! And maintain continuous quality optimization and upgrading of different product systems.The upcoming "Poetic East" created by Jianfa Lang Yue will be carved with lighter architectural language based on the bungalows and high-rise formats of the project.It is reported that Jianfa Longyue's high-rise area under construction is about 97㎡ -143 ㎡, 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The building surface of the bungalows is about 132㎡ -203 ㎡ to meet the living pursuit of different customers.The facade is outlined with extremely thin lines to create a higher ratio of Windows and walls, so that the building can achieve an elegant fusion of new Chinese style and modern aesthetic. 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!Rich high quality labelingIt is understood that Jianfa Langyue has carried out a new upgrade to the installation label and more optimized the living space.On the whole, the outside doors and Windows of the community are equipped with three glass and two cavity glass to create a quiet life experience for the owners.Whether it is a bungalow or a high-rise, the installation label is equipped with new wind, [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Floor heating, central air conditioning three sets, using the whole house intelligent system and intelligent toilet, greatly improve the quality of living.In addition, the overall installation is marked, the living room is paved with large-size floor tiles with fine technology, the main bathroom and the wall of the living room, and the rock panel background is configured, and the bedroom is equipped with a bay window to expand the comfort and quality.Especially in the bungalows, the realization of class 1 ladder 1 household, independent entry into the household of respect for the home ceremony. The interior adopts the whole house wall cloth, high-grade quality and warm aesthetic feeling. In the house 149 square meters and 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! In the main bathroom of the upper unit, two basins are configured, which increases the comfort of the owner's daily living and highlights the luxury of the living space.Seiko creation of Jiangnan landscapeIn order to better match with the local landscape of Jinshan and benefit from the low plot ratio of about 1.8, Jianfa Langyue draws inspiration from the water town of Fengjing Ancient Town in garden design, and creates the poetry and painting aesthetics of three rites and order, five gardens and nine sceneries.Three steps: one step: East to the instrument, two steps: Hibiscus, three steps: Stone court tree garden. With ancient architectural elements, such as "Confucian Gate", "Hua pattern", etc., combined with a variety of green plants, stacked water stone and other landscape pieces, it presents a landscape-like sensory experience.Rich water system: In terms of landscape architecture, the natural river flows into the property, dividing the land into two areas, north and south. It is also equipped with exquisite man-made water system, presenting rich water features and creating a comfortable and livable waterfront experience.Five Gardens and Nine vistas: The five theme gardens cover the children's interest in the Tibetan forest, natural nursing, the painting of the water, the elegant collection under the forest and the neighborhood club. In the secret environment like nature, it is configured to cover the leisure needs of owners such as the old, the young and the young.Sunshine and scenery pour into the apartment typeIn the customer most concerned about the housing type, build hair, Lang Yue also came up with the greatest sincerity.Most of the units adopt the classic aircraft units, wide view bay Windows, south-facing large landscape hall, master bedroom suite, etc., which greatly improves the high livability of the internal space!In addition, the high-rise 1 ladder 2 households, but also for the owners to create a more leisurely and comfortable external living atmosphere.In addition to ensuring the circulation of fresh air inside the space, the corner bay window also absorbs more lighting, and the external landscape design greatly improves the comfort of living. 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The kitchen is equipped with comfortable Windows to enhance the quality of the home from the details.Appreciation of high-rise apartment typeSquare pattern, full Ming aircraft apartment, sunshine and breeze together.Three open room facing south, expand more scenery and lighting.The master bedroom is designed as a suite to achieve a separate space in the family home.Dining and living room integrated, so that the public area space vision more open.The whole house bedroom bay window design, the space is more hierarchical.Appreciation of 97㎡ model house(Construction area of about 97 square meters display model room [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Non-delivery standards are for reference only. Delivery standards are subject to the contract)Presenting a wider three-room space, life is more free and flexible.Classic plane apartment, south to three rooms, pouring in more sunlight.Full light space, full ventilation, maintain a healthy space feeling.Wide view transverse hall, south wide open room, free scale, luxury and respect.Multi-bay window design, so that each room has an independent collection of scenery window.Appreciation of 108 square meters model house(Construction area of about 108 square meters display model room is not paid [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Payment standard is for reference only. Delivery standard is subject to the contract)Three open room to the south, into the more wind and sunshine into the heart, let life more poetic.Super wide hall, luxury beautiful vision, broad view of life bearing.Wide-screen balcony, so that the natural scenery outside the window is picturesque, inlaid in the window.The master bedroom suite gives the owner more independence and privacy.In the north study area, a flexible space is reserved to give life more possible colors.Appreciation of 128㎡ model house(Construction area of about 128 square meters display model room non-delivery standard [Jinshan Jianfa Lang Yue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! For reference only delivery standards are subject to the contract)[Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!The four rooms face south, and the south side is super wide, so that the background color of the space is embellished by the scenery outside the window.Dining and living room integrated, wide view type public living area, stay more laughter.Master bedroom suite, double basin en suite bathroom, reserved cloakroom, enjoy the honor in comfort and freedom.Wide view balcony, garden scenery outside the window, in the circulation of the four seasons to enjoy the beauty.149㎡ model room appreciation(Construction area of about 149 square meters display model [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Inter-non-delivery standards are for reference only. Delivery standards are subject to the contract)Construction and development of property, a high level of national qualificationIt is reported that C&D Longyue will be equipped with high-reputation C&D properties, and the property fees will also be consistent with Jinyue Bay and Guantang Mansion. As a national first-class [Jinshan Jianfa Longyue] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Qualified property management enterprise, has been listed in the top 50 of China's Top 100 Property service enterprises list for many years (ranked 25th in China's Top 100 Property service in 2023), and has been listed in Hong Kong stock market (stock code: HK02156). Business services cover more than 70 cities, always adhere to customer satisfaction as the final test standard, to provide millions of owners with quality community services. 【 Jinshan Jianfa Longyue 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!With the end of the 7090 policy, many people are looking forward to better products in the future. And Jianfa · Langyue will advance the future excellent quality [Jinshan Jianfa Langyue] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Force realization in the moment. Such opportunities are becoming more and more valuable in Jinshan.【金山建发朗玥】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!力实现在当下。这样的机遇,在金山变得越来越难能可贵了。

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